Figure 6.
Subsite map of the GluR5 ligand-binding pocket. Schematic representations for the GluR5-binding pocket occupied by (S)-glutamate (A) and UBP310 (B). Hydrogen bond and ion pair sites generated by domains 1 and 2 are colored pink and blue, respectively; stripes indicate sites generated by both domains; sites of van der Waals contacts are indicated by hatched curved lines. In the glutamate complex, there are six trapped water molecules shown as numbered red spheres; four of these are maintained in the UBP310 complex. To make this figure, torsion angles in the UBP310 ligand were adjusted compared with the conformation found in the crystal structure to bring the heterocyclic rings into approximately the same plane for ease of illustration. A detailed explanation of the subsite maps is available as supplemental material (available at