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. 2006 Apr 19;26(16):4437–4443. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4463-05.2006

Table 2.

Peak BOLD activations for key comparisons

Contrast Anatomical region Brodmann’s area MNI coordinates
Talairach coordinates
t value
x y z x y z
HiE_HiT versus baseline (Fig. 1) Left transverse temporal gyrus/insula BA 41/BA 13 −40 −26 14 −40 −25 14 4.69
Right superior temporal gyrus BA 38 44 14 −14 44 13 −12 6.52
Left medial frontal gyrus BA 8 −2 36 44 −2 37 39 5.74
Left superior frontal gyrus BA 10 −22 62 16 −22 61 12 5.11
Right insula BA 13 40 −14 18 40 −13 17 5.48
Left inferior frontal gyrus BA 9 −44 8 32 −44 9 29 5.48
Right nucleus cuneiformis N/A 8 −28 −22 8 −28 −17 4.05
Left middle frontal gyrus BA 6 −30 −10 50 −30 −7 46 4.01
Left cerebellum N/A −32 −60 −38 −32 −60 −29 5.31
Left cingulate gyrus BA 24 −2 12 36 −2 13 32 4.82
Left caudate N/A −8 4 4 −8 4 3 4.74
Left thalamus N/A −6 −22 16 −6 −21 16 5.07
HiE_HiT versus LoE_HiT (Fig. 2) Left cingulate gyrus BA 24 −4 −6 42 −4 −4 39 5.49
Left medial frontal gyrus BA 8 −2 32 46 −2 33 41 5.24
Right cerebellum N/A 12 −62 −18 12 −61 −12 5.91
Right nucleus cuneiformis N/A 10 −28 −18 10 −28 −14 4.45
HiE_HiT versus HiE_LoT (Fig. 3) Insula/transverse temporal gyrus BA 13 / 41 −38 −28 14 −38 −26 14 3.94
Right thalamus N/A 10 −18 12 10 −17 12 4.33
Superior temporal gyrus BA 22 54 4 2 53 4 2 3.91

HiE_HiT, High expectation and high temperature; HiE_LoT, high expectation and low temperature; LoE_HiT, low expectation and high temperature; N/A, not applicable; BA, Brodmann’s area.