Study 2 MR priming effects. A, Whole-brain maps comparing all word conditions with visual fixation. B, Maps displaying regions activated by word pairs (A) that also show consistent priming across semantic and orthographic conditions, greater semantic priming, or greater orthographic priming. C, Priming effects in two regions showing semantic priming (left mid-FFG and left MTG), one region showing orthographic priming (a posterior portion of the posterior FFG), and one region showing priming across both conditions (an anterior portion of the posterior FFG). Bar charts display mean MR percentage signal change from fixation for the semantic (Sem), orthographic (Orth), and unrelated (Unrel) conditions. Colored bar charts show MR priming effects for the semantic and orthographic conditions. ∗∗p < 0.01. Error bars represent SEM. M-FFG, Mid-FFG; P-FFG, posterior FFG.