Figure 3.
Effect of in vivo expression of CREBGFP or dnCREBGFP on firing rates of LC neurons in brain slices. A, Sample recordings from LC neurons of control rats (untreated and LacZGFP injection) and rats treated with CREBGFP or dnCREBGFP. The basal firing rate of GFP+ neurons from dnCREB-injected rats was decreased. B, Bar graphs show that dnCREBGFP+ neurons fired significantly lower compared with GFP− neighboring neurons in the same slices, to neurons transfected with a control virus (LacZGFP), and to neurons from untreated slices (n = 42 for untreated control; n = 7–12 in each other group). ∗∗∗p < 0.001. C, Cumulative probability plot of LC firing rates from dnCREBGFP-, LacZGFP-, and CREBGFP-expressing neurons (n = 10–12 per group).