Figure 8.
Task-specific changes in tuning curve bandwidth. A, B, Q-factor (mean ± SE) measured 42 dB above threshold for recording sites in control (open bars), FR (diagonal hatched bars), and LR (crosshatched bars) rats for AI (A) and SRAF (B). Higher Q42 values represent narrower tuning curve bandwidths. The asterisks indicate statistically significant differences compared with control values (p < 0.025). C, D, The same data are represented as difference functions (trained rat values minus control values) to highlight changes between FR versus control (C) rats and LR versus control (D) rats in AI (solid black lines) and SRAF (dashed gray lines). Zero values (solid black lines in C and D) indicate no difference relative to controls. Tone frequency categories are ¾-octave-wide bins centered on the frequency value shown.