Figure 11.
Robustness of synergies across dynamic and postural conditions. The fraction of total data variation explained by the reconstruction of the data collected with different loads (a, experiment 1; 180, 630, and 1040 g) and different forearm postures (b, experiment 2; ne, neutral; pr, pronated; su, supinated) with the synergies extracted from point-to-point patterns with the unloaded handle and neutral posture (light gray bars) is close to the fraction of the total data variation explained by the reconstruction of the data used for the synergy extraction (dark gray bars), indicating a significant degree of generalization across dynamic and postural conditions. The mean and SD of the R2 values obtained over 100 subsets of 50% of the trials that were randomly selected in each condition (bootstrap statistics) are superimposed over the bar representing the R2 values for 100% of the trials.