Figure 9.
Summary of the locations of lesions in the thalamus and spinal cord marking 36 low-threshold points and 33 recording points. A, Locations of lesions marking 33 surrounded low-threshold points were in VPL, and three surrounded low-threshold points were located in other thalamic nuclei. The distance from bregma of each plane is indicated to the left of each section. MD, Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus; RT, reticular thalamic nucleus; VM, ventromedial thalamic nucleus; ZI, zona incerta; PF, parafascicular thalamic nucleus; VL, ventrolateral thalamic nucleus. B, Locations of lesions marking low-threshold points of the three functionally identified subgroups of thermally responsive MZ neurons. C, Recording sites of 26 neurons in the cervical enlargement and three neurons in the lumbar enlargement. D, Illustration of the recording sites from 16 units divided into thermally responsive subgroups. Cool, COOL-type neurons; Poly, polymodal neurons; NS, nociceptive-specific neurons.