Figure 7.
Reciprocal connections between the wake-active dopaminergic cells in the vPAG and the sleep-active neurons in the VLPO. After CTB and BD together were injected into the vPAG, some CTB-labeled (brown) cells in the VLPO were also Fos-ir (black) in a sleeping rat (A; box is enlarged in B where the arrows indicate CTB–Fos double-labeled cells and the arrowheads show CTB single-labeled neurons). After an injection of both BD and CTB into the vPAG (C) in a sleeping rat, anterogradely labeled (black) terminals were apposed to double-labeled cells containing both CTB (brown cytoplasm) and Fos (black nucleus) in the VLPO (arrows). After an injection of anterograde tracer PHA-L into the VLPO (D), labeled terminals (black) formed appositions with the TH-ir cells in the vPAG (brown) (arrows indicate appositions). These results, together with Figure 8, D and D′, indicate a reciprocal connection of the dopaminergic cells in the vPAG and sleep-active neurons in the VLPO. Scale bar: (in C) A, 200 μm; B, 100 μm; C,50 μm; D,25 μm.