Figure 4.
A–C, Representative images of sagittal sections from the lumbar spinal cords from wild type (A, B) and Wlds (C) mice induced with EAE at 2 weeks p.i. The sections were stained with Hoechst 33258, anti-MBP, or -NF. Significantly more NF+ fibers were observed in the infiltrated and demyelinated areas from Wlds mice than from wild-type animals. Note that a residual demyelinated NF+ axonal ending is shown by the arrow in B. Scale bars, 10 μm. D, Electron micrographs of cervical spinal cord tissue near the lesion sites in the control group of EAE models at 2 weeks, or 8 weeks p.i. Note the large numbers of degenerating axons in both acute and chronic phases of EAE. The right panels show higher magnifications of degenerating axons in the left panel at each time point. Scale bars: left panels, 10 μm; enlarged right panels, 5 μm, at each time point.