PMP22 and β4 integrin are coimmunoprecipitated from clone A cells. A, B, Epitope (myc)-tagged hPMP22 was expressed in clone A cells, and samples were double immunolabeled with anti-β4 (A) and anti-myc (B) antibodies. C, As the merged image reveals, hPMP22 is targeted to the β4 integrin-positive plasma membrane of the cells (A–C, arrows). Scale bar, 10 μm. D, Vector control and hPMP-myc-expressing clone A cells were lysed and processed for IP with the indicated antibodies. The precipitates were subsequently probed for the marked proteins by Western blot. The arrows on the right indicate the overexpressed glycosylated PMP22 (∼22 kDa) and the endogenous β4 integrin (∼200 kDa). The arrowheads point at the position of the deglycosylated ∼18 and ∼190 kDa forms. Molecular mass is in kilodaltons. T, Total lysate; PC, preclear.