Figure 7.
PADRENs develop autonomously and could be organized by a reaction-diffusion process. Cumulative distributions showing that changing the plating density eightfold across different wells of the same plate does not effect the length of PADREN1s (A) (p = 0.17) or PADREN2s (B) (p = 0.17) at 10 DIV. C, The table shows the type and number of objects analyzed under each condition. D, A 17 DIV hippocampal neuron with a particularly flat cell body illustrates the geometry-dependent transition of PADRENs from stripes in the narrow cylindrical dendrites to spots in the locally planar cell body. Scale bar, 20 μm. Such a transition is also observed in the coat markings of many animals, including the serval (F), and is consistent with a reaction-diffusion processes (serval photograph courtesy of Dr. Shonali Laha, Florida International University, Miami, FL). E, Further consistent with a reaction-diffusion process, a scatter plot showing a linear correlation between shaft length and the number of PADREN1s per shaft in 10 DIV hippocampal neurons.