Figure 4.
Presynaptic glycine and GABAA receptors decrease the peak response of L-EPSCs from A17 amacrine cells. A, The peak amplitude of L-EPSCs (30 ms light stimulus; dark gray bar) from A17 amacrine cells from GABACR null mice was increased by the addition of strychnine to block glycine receptors, but the decay time of the response was unaffected. B, Similarly, the peak amplitude of L-EPSCs from A17 amacrine cells from GABACR null mice was increased by addition of bicuculline to block GABAA receptors, but the response decay was unaffected. C, The amplitude of L-EPSCs was significantly larger with the addition of both strychnine (*p < 0.05) and bicuculline (*p < 0.05). Peak values in bicuculline and strychnine are normalized to control values, represented by the dotted line.