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. 2006 Oct 25;26(43):10967–10983. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2572-06.2006

Table 5.

Regulated genes associated with MS-linked loci

Probe set ID Peak level Fold change r-UniGene h-UniGene h-Chromosome Gene name Gene symbol
rc_AA944463_at 294 −3.86 Rn.7736 Hs.471200 2q33.3; 206 Mb Neuropilin 2 NRP2
rc_AI230247_s_at 606 22.32 Rn.1451 Hs.275775 5p12; 43 Mb Selenoprotein P, plasma, 1 SEPP1
rc_AA893970_at 1425 4.26 Rn.12956 Hs.407926 5p13.1; 39 Mb TORC2-specific protein AVO3 RICTOR
X62875mRNA_g_at 731 −4.47 Rn.83614 Hs.518805 6p21.31; 34 Mb High mobility group AT-hook 1 HMGa1
rc_AI229707_s_at 727 −6.11 Rn.2458 Hs.533059 6p21.33; 31 Mb Tubulinβ5 chain TUBB
rc_AI012221_at 1413 −11.16 Rn.101003 Hs.414565 6p21.33; 32 Mb Chloride intracellular channel 1 CLIC1
M99485_at 3636 97.68 Rn.9687 Hs.141308 6p22.1; 30 Mb Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein MOG
rc_AA925012_at 1711 −10.48 Rn.15438 Hs.234896 6p22.2; 25 Mb Geminin GMNN
rc_AI169703_at 581 −3.78 Rn.137382 Hs.484813 6p22.3; 18 Mb DEK oncogene (DNA binding) DEK
rc_AA891734_at 2285 7.46 Rn.54151 Hs.520814 7p12.3; 47 Mb Tensin-like SH2 domain containing 1 TENS1
rc_AA998383_at 424 −6.28 Rn.98822 Hs.119882 7q21.2; 92 Mb Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 CDK6
rc_AI233394_at 119 7.62 Rn.8331 Hs.116796 11q23.1; 111 Mb DIX domain containing 1 DIXDC1
M55534mRNA_s_at 638 5.13 Rn.98208 Hs.408767 11q23.1; 111 Mb Crystallin,αB CRYAB
rc_AI232128_at 901 5.46 Rn.19811 Hs.47115 16q22.2; 70 Mb Hydrocephalus inducing HYDIN
rc_AI073086_at 1031 3.68 Rn.17753 Hs.531704 17q24.2; 62 Mb Protein kinase C,α PRKCA
rc_AI231497_at 1171 −11.31 Rn.2949 Hs.159557 17q24.2; 63 Mb Karyopherinα2 KPNA2
rc_AI045866_at 349 −3.76 Rn.16334 Hs.549130 17q24.2; 63 Mb PI transfer protein, cytoplasmic 1 PITPNC1
rc_AI233288_at 493 7.46 Rn.19813 Hs.463964 17q24.2; 64 Mb WD40 repeat protein Interact with PI WIPI49
rc_AI009456_at 1539 13.74 Rn.22789 Hs.58351 17q24.2; 64 Mb ATP-binding cassette transporter 8a ABCA8
rc_AA818774_at 1368 12.13 Rn.16666 Hs.27935 17q25.1; 70 Mb Tweety homolog 2 TTYH2
rc_AI230702_at 910 −5.13 Rn.104570 Hs.532803 17q25.1; 71 Mb Hematological and neurological EST 1 HN1
rc_AI012571_at 535 −4.99 Rn.12319 Hs.501423 19p13.3; 3 Mb Bruno-like 5, RNA binding protein BRUNOL5

Genes regulated during OL differentiation tightly linked to multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci. Genes highly regulated during OL differentiation that lay within 2 Mb of human genomic loci linked to cases of multiple sclerosis in three or more independent clinical studies (Fernald et al., 2005). Peak level, Highest raw expression level reached in the time course. Fold change, Highest expression level/lowest expression level in time course; if highest expression level precedes lowest expression level, expressed as negative fold change. r- and h-UniGene, respectively, The rat and closest human homolog UniGene clusters associated with the indicated probe set. h-Chromosome, The cytoband and location in megabases from the end of the p-arm for each listed human UniGene cluster.