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Figure 5.

Figure 5.

PI-stained photomicrographs by confocal microscopy show PI staining of degenerating neurons after OGD and reperfusion in the CA1 region of hippocampus. A–C, Images of the CA1 region acquired with confocal microscopy. Images were taken through a 10× Plan-Neofluar objective. P, Pyramidal cell layer. D–F, Three-dimensional analyses with LSM 5 Image software (Carl Zeiss AIM; Zeiss). The fluorescence intensity is analyzed against distance of the slice in two dimensions. Little PI fluorescence was seen in pyramidal cell layers of the normal condition (A, D), but a strong signal was present in the condition of OGD/reperfusion (B, E). Strong PI labeling was prevented by the addition of 100 μm TPEN in ACSF (C, F).

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure