Figure 6.
SD alters the expression of NR2A but not NR2B protein levels at synaptic sites. A, Representative immunoblots for NR2A and NR2B subunit proteins in synaptosomes prepared from hippocampi of control and sleep-deprived mice and run on the same gel. β-Actin was used to control that equal amounts of protein (30 μg) were loaded on the gel. B, SD enhanced the level of NR2A protein (p < 0.05 compared with matched control experiments), whereas no significant change was detected for NR2B (p = 0.13), which led to a higher NR2A/NR2B ratio (p < 0.05). The optical density of each sample was first expressed as a percentage of the corresponding β-actin and then normalized to the control value run on the same gel (100%). Scatter plots depict the individual data of the SD group. CTRL, Control.