Expression of Zic1/2 in the cerebellum at 13.5 dpc and P0. A, Zic1/2-labeled cells form a wide layer in the ventral side of the cerebellum in the normal mouse at 13.5dpc (arrow). Expression is also detected in the leptomeninges covering the neural tube and the choroid plexus (arrowhead). B, In 13.5 dpc mutant embryos, Zic1/2-labeled cells are detected predominantly in the leptomeninges and extra-neural tube tissues, except for light staining just above the neuroepithelium on the ventral side of the cerebellum (arrow). C, Zic1/2-labeled cells are found in the inner EGL (arrow) and deep in the cerebellum in normal mice at P0 (arrowhead). The vast majority of Zic1/2-labeled cells are localized in the cerebellum of normal embryos. D, The number of Zic1/2-labeled cells is drastically decreased both in the EGL (small arrow) and deep in the cerebellum (arrowhead) of the double knock-outs at P0. Some Zic1/2-labeled cells migrate into the mesencephalon in mutants (large arrows). Scale bars: A, 100 μm; C, 250 μm.