Decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis in Bmpr1a;Bmpr1b double knock-out mutants. A, B, Phospho-histone H3 immunolabeling detects proliferating cells at P0. A, Phospho-histone H3-labeled cells are found in the EGL (arrow) and deep cerebellum (arrowhead) in normal mice. Scale bar, 100 μm. B, In double knock-out mutants, the number of phospho-histone H3-positive cells decreases markedly, both in the EGL (arrow) and the deep cerebellum (arrowhead). C, The number of proliferating cerebellar cells decreases by 2.3-fold (p < 0.004) at 13.5 dpc and by 2.6-fold (p < 0.0001) in the deep cerebellum at P0. D, A significant 27-fold increase in cell death is observed in the mutant (p < 0.0003) at 13.5 dpc, whereas the TUNEL-positive cells increase 3.3-fold in the mutant at P0 (p < 0.0001). Statistical tests of significance were accomplished using a one-tailed Student’s t test. Error bars indicate SD.