Figure 2.
Postsaccadic caudate stimulation facilitates saccades. In these examples, electrical stimulation was applied to the left caudate after all contraversive (rightward) saccades (A–D) or all ipsiversive (leftward) saccades (E–H). In A, C, E, and G, the reaction time change of each trial (compared with the median reaction time for the prestimulation control) is plotted against the trial number. The black dots represent the prestimulation control session (Control); red open circles, trials followed by stimulation (Stim+); red dots, trials not followed by stimulation during the stimulation session (Stim–); blue dots, the follow-up test (Follow). B, D, F, and H show the cumulative frequency histograms of the reaction time changes. The black, red, and blue lines indicate prestimulation control, stimulation, and follow-up test sessions, respectively.