Figure 3.
Effects of mPFC lesions on PVH activational responses to acute restraint stress. Top, Bright-field photomicrographs showing Fos-IR in PVH as a function of treatment status. Relative to sham-lesioned, unstressed controls, restraint stress (30 min) results in a marked increase in Fos expression in intact animals focused in the PVHmpd (dashed outline) and secondarily in the autonomic-related dorsal parvicellular (dp) and ventral medial parvicellular (mpv) subdivisions (solid outlines). mPFCd lesions result in a frank enhancement of stress-induced Fos in the CRF-rich hypophysiotropic zone (mpd). In contrast, mPFCv lesions show a mild attenuation of stress-induced Fos-IR in the mpd region but tend to increase responsiveness in preautonomic (dp, mpv) subdivisions. The low level of stress-induced Fos-IR in the posterior magnocellular subdivision (pm) did not show any marked variation with lesion status. Scale bar, 100 μm (applies to all). Bottom, Mean ± SEM number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons in PVH in treatment groups. Stress-induced Fos expression in the PVH is reliably enhanced in mPFCd-lesioned animals. The response of mPFCv-lesioned animals is comparable with that of sham-lesioned animals and still significantly elevated above unstressed control levels. *p < 0.01, differs significantly from unstressed controls; †p < 0.05, differs significantly from sham-lesioned stressed animals; ns, Nonsignificant. n = 5 per group.