Figure 4.
Effects of mPFC lesions on acute restraint-induced CRF mRNA expression in the PVH. Top, Dark-field photomicrographs showing CRF mRNA expression in the PVH as a function of treatment condition. Restraint stress results in a marked increase in CRF mRNA expression in the PVHmpd of intact animals, which was reliably enhanced in mPFCd-lesioned rats. No such enhancement of stress-induced CRF mRNA expression was seen in mPFCv-lesioned animals. Bottom, Relative levels (mean ± SEM) of CRF mRNA expression in the PVH as a function of treatment condition. Stress exposure reliably increases relative levels of CRF mRNA, and PL lesions significantly enhance this effect. Values from IL-lesioned animals are intermediate between unlesioned stressed and nonstressed controls, not differing reliably from mean values of either of these groups. *p < 0.05, differs significantly from unstressed controls; †p < 0.01, differs significantly from sham-lesioned stressed animals; ns, Nonsignificant. n = 5 per group.