Mice that overexpress constitutive active Dexras1 specifically in the SCN phase-delay in response to late-night light exposure. A–D, Representative actograms of wheel-running activity of Dexras1(A178V) single transgenic (A, C) and Dexras1(A178V)-IRES-eGFP::CaMKIIα-tTA double transgenic (B, D) mice. Mice were exposed to a single 40 lux light pulse (red asterisk) for 15 min at ZT 8 (A, B) or ZT 20 (C, D), exactly as described in Figure 1. Mice received a second light pulse (40 lux; 15 min) at CT 8 (A, B) or CT 20 (C, D) after 9–10 d in DD. Activity onsets are indicated by blue lines. E, Quantitation of light-induced phase shifts. Values are presented as mean ± SEM phase shift (in minutes). n = 6–8 per group. **p < 0.01 versus same-treated Dexras1(A178V) single transgenic mice (two-tailed Student's t test).