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. 2019 Aug 1;14(8):e0220514. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220514

Table 1. Number, age, and secular trend in body height, body weight, body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage in students from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and the University of Physical Education in Warsaw (UPE) in the period of 50 years.

Variables Groups Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3 Measurement 4
Year of examination WUT 1959 1971 1994 2011
UPE 1963 1972 1996 2012
Number of students [–] WUT 104 166 165 154
UPE 117 120 129 107
Age [years] WUT 19.40±1.00 21.09±1.10 20.60±0.97 20.08±0.90
UPE 19.88±1.58 20.56±1.66 21.54±1.16 20.97±0.90
Body height [cm] WUT 172.8±6.4* 175.1±6.1* 179.4±6.2ab 180.9±7.2abc
UPE 174.8±6.6 178.2±6.7a 179.8±7.1a 181.9±5.8ab
Body weight [kg] WUT 64.6±7.5* 67.8±7.2a* 72.1± 9.0ab* 75.6±10.9abc
UPE 69.5±6.7 73.8±7.6a 75.2±9.2a 77.5±9.3ab
BMI [kg/m2] WUT 21.6±1.8* 22.1±1.9* 22.4±2.5* 23.1±2.9ab
UPE 22.7±1.7 23.2±1.7 23.2±2.1 23.4±2.1
FAT [%] WUT 12.1±2.7* 14.2±2.7a* 16.2±3.0ab* 18.4±2.9abc*
UPE 12.9±1.4 12.1±2.6 15.0±2.8ab 16.4±2.6abc


a–means differ significantly compared to Measurement 1

b–means differ significantly compared to Measurement 2

c–means differ significantly compared to Measurement 3

p<0.05 Means WUT differ significantly compared to UPE

*—p< 0.05.