Discrimination of gluten-free oat biscuits’ samples at day 0 (0 d) and during storage: 30 d, 60 d and 90 d under light (L) and dark (D) conditions for each type of packaging based on PCA. Legend: PET/CPP_34: polyethylene terephthalate/casting polypropylene, BOPP_40: biaxially oriented polypropylene, PVC_12: polyvinylchloride, BOPP/CPP_50: biaxially oriented polypropylene/casting polypropylene, PE/EVOH/PP_50: polyethylene/ethylene vinyl alcohol/polypropylene, 0 d: day 0 (fresh biscuits); 30 d: day 30; 60 d: day 60; 90 d: day 90; L: light; D: dark