BRAF silencing impairs activation of MAPK/ERK pathway by BTV. (A to D) HEK-293T cells were transfected with nonspecific or a BRAF-specific siRNA. One day later, the cells were either infected with BTV (MOI = 0.01) (A and C) or transfected to express 3×FLAG-tagged BTV-NS3 (B and D), as described in Fig. 1. After 24 h, the relative luciferase activity was determined (A and B), and cell lysates were analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies against the indicated proteins (C and D). (A and B) All experiments were achieved in triplicate, and data represent means ± the SD. ***, P < 0.0005 (C and D). Sizes are shown in kilodaltons (kDa).