Figure 1.
Weight, spleen index and thymus index of normal untreated mice and normal and immunosuppressed mice treated with BHP. (A) Weights of mice. There was an increased trend in the BHP group, although no significant differences between groups were observed. (B) Spleen index of the mice. Significant differences were observed when comparing the Cy, LBHP, MBHP or HBHP group with the Con group. Significant increases were observed in the LBHP + Cy, MBHP + Cy and HBHP + Cy groups compared with the Cy group. (C) Thymus index of the mice. Significant differences were observed when comparing the Cy, LBHP, MBHP or HBHP group with the Con group. Significant differences were observed when comparing the LBHP + Cy, MBHP + Cy or HBHP + Cy group with the Cy group. ***P<0.0001 vs. Con group; ###P<0.0001 vs. Cy group. All data were from two independent experiments, each of which was repeated in parallel twice. BHP, bioactive hepatic peptide; LBHP, low-dose BHP; MBHP, mid-dose BHP; HBHP, high-dose BHP; Cy, cyclophosphamide; Con, control.