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. 2019 Jul 23;10:1658. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01658


Pattern matrix for Section 1 – satisfaction with life.

Retained items Factor 1 Factor 2
How satisfied are you with feeling a part of your social environment? 0.879
How satisfied are you with your relationships with your friends? 0.742
How satisfied are you with your psychological health? 0.687
How satisfied are you with what you have achieved in life? 0.646
How satisfied are you with family relationships? 0.586
How satisfied are you with your physical health? 0.570
How satisfied are you with the professional support you receive? 0.815
How satisfied are you with the medical treatment that your HD relative(s) receive(s)? 0.811
How satisfied are you with the way other people behave toward the HD person? 0.264 0.344

Bold font denotes the factors that items load on to most strongly.