Retained items | Factor 1 | Factor 2 |
How satisfied are you with feeling a part of your social environment? | 0.866 | – |
How satisfied are you with your relationships with your friends? | 0.747 | – |
How satisfied are you with your psychological health? | 0.689 | – |
How satisfied are you with what you have achieved in life? | 0.655 | – |
How satisfied are you with family relationships? | 0.591 | – |
How satisfied are you with your physical health? | 0.577 | – |
How satisfied are you with the professional support you receive? | – | 0.829 |
How satisfied are you with the medical treatment that your HD relative(s) receive(s)? | – | 0.766 |
Bold font denotes the factors that items load on to most strongly.