Transcriptome profiling of SNAC1-OE (OE-19) plants. (A) Numbers of drought-responsive DEGs in the ZH11 and OE-19 plants. (B) Heatmap showing the expression pattern of the 980 SRDGs in the OE-19 and ZH11 plants in response to drought. (C) Top 10 significantly enriched GO biological processes of the SRDGs. Red and blue dots indicate up-regulated DEGs and down-regulated DEGs enriched in the term respectively, and a z-score indicated in the inner quadrangle represents the overall log2FC trends of the DEGs within the enriched term. Proportion of the inner quadrangle is in accordance with the –log10(p-value), demonstrating the significance of the enrichment. Genes involve in the GO term “response to water deprivation” and “water transport” are shown in the circular plot (right). The log2FC of each gene in OE-19 plants in response to the drought stress condition is marked by a colored rectangle. Genes mentioned in the article are highlighted in bold. (D) KEGG pathway enrichment of the SRDGs. Genes involved in “MAPK signaling pathway” and “Plant hormone signal transduction” are exhibited with a circular network plot (right). All DEGs were determined by the threshold of log2FC > 1 and p-adjust < 0.05 with three independent replicates.