Figure 1. Cytogenetics of Craterocephalus amniculus.
(A) Representative karyotype arranged from Giemsa-stained chromosomes. (B) C-banded chromosomes. The C-banding pattern was counterstained with DAPI and inverted; (C) Metaphase chromosomes after FISH with 5S rDNA (green signals) and 28S rDNA (red signals) probes; (D) CMA3/DAPI stained chromosomes. The CMA3 signal was converted from green into red and the DAPI signal from blue into green to enhance the contrast between these signals. (E) Metaphase chromosomes after FISH with a telomeric probe. Particular images were adjusted separately before assembling the plate. Arrows indicate the pair of homologous chromosomes with the accumulation of heterochromatin. Bars equal 10 µm.