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. 2019 Aug 2;14(8):e0220702. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220702

Table 4. Parameter estimates (β±SE) and p-values (p) results of ordinal regression models to predict effects of socio-economic variables and level of conflict with onagers on accepting potential management strategies aimed at reducing human-onager conflict within Bahram-e-Goor Protected Area (BPA), Iran.

Strategies included: (1) selling land to the government; (2) exchanging 50% farmland/pastureland within BPA for an equivalent amount of land outside BPA; (3) changing from a traditional farming/herding lifestyle to industrialized farming (for farmers) or livestock production (for herders) with the help of government;(4) accepting monetary compensation to tolerate onager conflict; (5) accepting a sedentary lifestyle instead of a nomadic one; and (6) supplementary feeding of livestock for a period in the year with the help of the government.

selling land exchanging 50% of lands changing from traditional farming/herding accepting monetary compensation accepting sedentary lifestyle supplementary feeding of livestock
intercept 1 -7.65±2.91
intercept 2 -9.21±3.09
age 0.03±0.02
livestock ownership 0.02±0.01
farm size 0.09±0.04
* *
total annual income (>$5000USD) 2.47±1.18
level of conflict with onagers -0.57±0.28
model Likelihood ratio test χ2 (p) 20.67 (0.002) 14.48 (0.02) 2.95 (0.81) 14.43(0.02) 11.66(0.04) 9.71(0.08)
R2 0.41 0.21 0.041 0.19 0.16 0.14
c-index 0.88 0.71 0.58 0.73 0.70 0.67

* Predictors were not included in the analyses as the questions were asked from herders.