Fig. 8.
The m7 and m8 genes contribute to SOP selection. a Dorsal thorax of an E(spl)m7-m8/Df(3)P11 fly, lacking the m7 and m8 genes and carrying one copy of the mγ-m5 genes. An increase in bristle density (+35%) was observed. The m7 and m8 genes are required for the proper spacing of SOPs within a stripe but are dispensable for stripe patterning. b, c The expression of the m5 gene (smiFISH probe, green) was significantly upregulated in proneural stripes 1,3 and 5, at 8 h apf, in E(spl)m7-m8 mutant pupae (c) relative to wild-type controls (b; ac probe, red). d, e Adult flies with clones of cells homozygous for the E(spl)32.2 deletion, i.e., lacking all E(spl)-C genes, show patches of tufted bristles (d), whereas clones of Df(3L)mδ-m6 mutant cells display increased bristle density (e). This indicates that the m7 and m8 genes are sufficient for the singling out of SOPs. Scale bar is 10 μm (b: b, c)