Fig. 4.
Bioactive GA biosynthesis during early embryogenesis. a qRT-PCR analysis of NtGA3ox1, NtGA3ox2 and NtGA3ox3 expression; GAPDH was used as the internal control. b Expression of genes related to GA biosynthesis [NtGA20ox1 (Ntc12, AB012856.1) and NtGA20ox2 (Ntc16, AB016084.1)], deactivation [NtGA2ox1 (AB125232.1), NtGA2ox1-like (XM_016586923.1), NtGA2ox3 (EF471117), and NtGA2ox5 (EF471118)], and signaling in WT two-celled proembryos (stage 1) via transcriptome analysis, and via qRT-PCR analysis in WT four-celled proembryos (stage 2). GAPDH was used as the internal control. Values are means ± SE of three biological replicates. nd, not detected. c Expression of NtGA3ox1 and NtGA3ox3 during embryogenesis. d Expression of NtGA3ox2 and NtGA3ox3 in the developing seed coat. Asterisks, micropylar ends; Scale bars: 10 μm (c), 100 μm (d). The source data of the graphs are provided in the Source Data file