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. 2019 Aug 2;9:11230. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47397-w

Table 1.

Subject baseline data.

# VA (OS) VA (OD) VF (OS) VF (OD) Color Vision Notes Phakia CME
1 20/100 + 1 20/60 + 1 27 27 Normal Grasp data corrupted Phakic: OU mild senile PSC no
2 20/800 − 1 20/800 − 1 13 7 Poor Phakic: clear OU no
3 20/200 20/300 − 1 12 14 Normal Left before grasp, PR with RP history Phakic: no mention in chart Severe OD
4 20/150 20/250 27 27 Minor tritan PR, cone depression, glaucoma Phakic: OU moderate NSC no
5 20/50 + 1 20/50 + 2 26 27 Normal Left before grasp Phakic: OU mild mild OU
6 20/40 + 1 20/50 − 2 5 5 Normal PR and glaucoma Pseudophakic: OU moderate OD
7 20/40 − 2 20/70 5 5 Poor Phakic: OU no
8 20/200 − 1 20/800 5 5 Poor Phakic: OD NSC, Pseudo, OS no
9 20/800 20/800 20 25 Poor Ushers’ Pseudo, OS, Phakic: NSC OD no
10 20/50 − 1 20/50 − 2 20 25 Minor tritan Phakic: no mention in chart moderate OS
S 20/20 20/20 35 40 Normal Simulation glasses N/A N/A

OU, OD, and OS are medical abbreviations for both eyes, right eye, and left eye, respectively. Visual acuity was taken from last eye exam. Subjects with phakia (documented with OCT) and cystoid macular edema (CME) are noted. In two cases, no cataract was noted in chart. PSC means senile posterior subcapsular cataract, NSC means nuclear sclerotic cataract. Subjects did not have optical opacification or retinal gliosis. Field and color vision were measured on the day of testing. Full Goldmann VF and D-15 color test are included in Supp. Fig. 3.