Figure 1.
Genetic variant of FADS rs174570, long chain n-3 PUFAs and fish intakes and long-term BMI changes ES (95% CI) values are β coefficients for interaction between the FADS variant rs174570 (additive model) and diets from results of the NHS, HPFS, WHI and SCHS cohorts. Data on BMI, long chain n-3 PUFAs (food sourced EPA+DHA and total EPA+DHA (food and supplemental use)) and fish consumptions were assessed at baseline in the NHS (1990), the HPFS (1990), the WHI (1994–1998) and the SCHS (1993–1998), respectively. Data on follow-up BMI was assessed in 2000 in the NHS and HPFS, in the sixth follow-up year in the WHI, and from 2006 to 2010 in the SCHS, respectively. Long-term BMI changes were calculated based on the changes in BMI from baseline to follow-up year in the four cohorts, respectively. The multiple linear regression model was used to test the FADS variant-diets interaction by including a multiplicative interaction term in the models after adjustment for age, source of genotyping data, baseline BMI, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, total energy intake, alternate healthy eating index, television watching, sugar sweetened beverage, fried food consumption. The results were pooled by means of fixed effects meta-analyses (p≥0.05 for heterogeneity between studies). BMI, body mass index; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; ES, effect size; FADS, fatty acid desaturases gene; HPFS, Health Professionals Follow-up Study; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; SCHS, Singapore Chinese Health Study; WHI, Women’s Health Initiative.