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. 2019 Jul 15;20(14):3469. doi: 10.3390/ijms20143469
AA amino acid
ADT AutoDocktools v1.5.6
DOPE Discrete Optimized Protein Energy
DS Discovery Studio v2.5
IaAS1 amyrin synthase 1 of Ilex asprella
IaAS1_alpha complex of α-amyrin and IaAS1
IaAS1_beta complex of β-amyrin and IaAS1
IaAS2 amyrin synthase 2 of Ilex asprella
IaAS2_alpha complex of α-amyrin and IaAS2
IaAS2_beta complex of β-amyrin and IaAS2
iPCR inverse PCR
LGA Lamarck’s genetic algorithm
MD molecular dynamics
MM/GBSA Mechanics/Generalized Born Surface Area
MM/PBSA Molecular Mechanics/Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area
OSC Oxidosqualene cyclase
OS 2,3-oxidosqualene
PDF Probability density function
SC-U synthetic complete medium without uracil
RMSD root mean square deviation
SHC squalene-hopene cyclase