Figure 1.
Identification and classification of transcribed loci in the developing maize anther. (a) Numbers of transcribed loci identified in transcriptomes of the two maize lines. Only the 28,233 loci that overlapped between the two lines (marked in red) were used in this study. (b) Classification of the transcribed loci into five types. “Coding” represents coding genes, and “Pseudo” represents pseudogenes. (c) Confirmation of the coding and non-coding transcribed loci by using the published data and the public databases. Maize anther transcriptome datasets from two previously-published studies were reanalyzed here [36,37]. (d) Transcription expression patterns of transcribed loci used in this study. Anther developmental stages 8, 9, and 10 are represented by S8, S9, and S10, respectively. Transformed transcription levels >8 were designated as 8 to facilitate the comparisons of transcription expression patterns among the five types of transcribed loci. Correlation of the transcription expression levels between maize lines L7 and L30 at the three stages for each transcribed locus was estimated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). (e) Anther phenotypes (left) and transverse section analysis (right). We sequenced transcriptomes from maize anther at developmental stages of S8, S9, and S10, respectively. The developmental stages of anther samples were identified by transverse section analysis.