Table 3.
Medical Indications | |
Adults | Bradycardia < 40 bpm or tachycardia > 110 bpm. Blood pressure < 90/60 mmHg. Symptomatic hypoglycaemia. Hypokalaemia < 3 mmol/l. Hypothermia < 36.1 °C. Dehydration. Uncontrolled vomiting or purging behaviour. Weight < 75% of ideal body weight. Rapid loss of weight (several kgs in a week). Lack of improvement or worsening despite treatment as an outpatient. |
Children and adolescents | Bradycardia < 50 bpm. Orthostatic hypotension (increase of >20 bpm in heart rate or drop in blood pressure > 10–20 mmHg with orthostatism). Blood pressure < 80/50 mmHg. Hypokalaemia or hypophosphataemia Rapid weight loss even if the weight is >75% of the ideal body weight. Symptomatic hypoglycaemia. Lack of improvement or worsening despite treatment as an outpatient. |
Psychiatric Indications | |
All ages | Suicidal ideation. Serious concomitant psychiatric illness. Impossibility to eat independently or needs tube feeding. Unfavourable family environment. Lack of cooperation despite treatment as an outpatient. |