Table 1.
Early skin-to-skin contact: practice, timing and duration
Question | 2012 28 Wards |
2016 26 Wards |
Odds ratio (95% CI) |
x2 |
STSa in the delivery room is routinely offered | N = 27 | N = 26 | 1.037 (0.4859–2.214) | p = 0.92 |
STS in the operating room is routinely offered | N = 11 | N = 11 | 1.077 (0.3995–2.903) | p = 0.91 |
If the mother gives birth under sedation, STS is offered) | N = 12 | N = 13 | 1.167 (0.4517–3.013) | p = 0.93 |
Within how many minutes STS begins? (0–5 minuti) | N = 24 | N = 26 | 1.167 (0.5403–2.416) | p = 0.84 |
How long does the STS (lasts the time that the mother wants) | N = 18 | N = 15 | 0.8974 (0.3765–2.139) | p = 0.98 |
N = 5 (> 2 h) | N = 4 | 0.8615 (0.2085–3.56) | p = 0.87 | |
N = 2 (30 min) | N = 2 | 1.077 (0.1413–8.21) | p = 0.65 | |
What position does the mother take during STS (as comfortable as possible) | N = 13 | N = 7 | 0.5799 (0.2004–0.5799) | p = 0.45 |
What position does the newborn take during STS (prone between the mother’s breasts) | N = 24 | N = 20 | 0.8974 (0.404–1.994) | p = 0.95 |
The cover of the newborn allows to view the face and the head | N = 27 | N = 26 | 1.037 (0.4859–2.214) | p = 0.92 |
There are no trusted persons of the woman (father or others) during the skin to skin | N = 5 | N = 2 | 0.4368 (0.0768–2.416) | p = 0.56 |
aSTS = Skin to skin