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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Aug 3.
Published in final edited form as: Br J Nutr. 2018 Nov 9;120(12):1388–1405. doi: 10.1017/S0007114518002945

Table 3. Summary table of cognitive function results grouped as per National Institute for Aging-Alzheimer’s Association (NIA-AA)(3) criteria.

NIA-AA cognitive domain Study Intervention Cognitive function measure used Intervention group and control group results Between group difference
Memory Horie et al., 2016(37) Nutrition counselling and energy restriction v. standard care RAVLT (delayed recall) Intervention (mean change 0·7, 95% CI –0·9, 2·3); control (mean change 1·7, 95% CI 0·1, 3·3)
RAVLT (total learning) Intervention (mean change 3·3, 95% CI –1·3, 7·9); control (mean change 2·0, 95% CI – 2·6, 6·7
Digit span backward Intervention (0·2, 95% CI –0·8,1·2,); control (0·1, 95% CI –0·9, 1·1)
Trail making test, part B Intervention (mean change –8·6, 95% CI –71·6, 54·5); control (mean change 5·1, 95% CI –58·3, 68·6)
Lee et al. (2013)(27) Fish oil supplementation with concentrated DHA + EPA v. placebo RAVLT (delayed recall) Intervention (baseline mean score 6·7, 95% CI 4·897, 8·442 – 12 months mean score 8·1, 95% CI 6·645, 9·462); control (baseline mean score 6·1, 95% CI 4·431, 7·860 – 12 months(mean score 5·0, 95% CI 3·587, 6·312) *
Visual reproduction I Intervention (baseline mean score 20·0, 95% CI 15·234, 24·820 – 12 months mean score 29·2, 95% CI 25·207, 33·269); control(baseline mean score 21·0, 95% CI 16·394, 25·666 – 12 months mean score 23·1, 95% CI 19·154, 26·952) *
Visual reproduction II Intervention (baseline mean score 13·3, 95% CI 8·297, 18·362 – 12 months mean score 20·8, 95% CI 15·564, 26·110); control (baseline mean score 12·6, 95% CI 7·710, 17·445 – 12 months mean score 18·0, 95% CI 12·943, 23·143)
Digit symbol substitution Intervention (baseline mean score 5·5, 95% CI 3·723, 7·218 – 12 months mean score 5·5, 95% CI 3·723, 7·218); control (baseline mean score 4·9, 95% CI 3·254, 6·634 – 12 months 4·9, 95% CI 3·254, 6·634)
Memory cognitive Z-score Intervention (mean change 0·96 (sd 0·76)***); control (mean change 0·16, (sd 0·59)) *
Petersen et al.
2000 IU vitamin E, 10mg donepezil or placebo Memory Z score (ADAS recall scores and New York University recall scores) Intervention (6 months, Z score –0·10, sd 0·48; 36 months Z score – 0·31, sd 0·59); control (6 months, Z score –0·17, sd 0·47; 36 months Z score –0·28, sd 0·62)
Ma et al. (2016)(24) Oral folic acid (400 μg/d) v.conventional treatment Digit span Intervention (baseline mean score 9·27 (sd 3·11) – 6 months mean score 13·05 (sd 3·07); control (baseline mean score 8·87 (sd 2·70) – 6 months mean score 9·75 (sd 3·14) *
De Jager et al. (2012)(25) 0·8mg folic acid, 0·5mg vitamin B12 and 20mg vitamin B6 v. placebo HVLT-R (subgroup analyses, with baseline tHcy levels) The odds of correctly remembering a word from the list of twelve in the HVLT test were 69 % greater for a person in the high tHcy group if they were taking B vitamins than if they were taking placebo (OR = 1·69) *
CERAD (subgroup analyses, with baseline tHcy levels) The average number of words was 9·4 % greater at follow up in those on B vitamin treatment in the high tHcy group, compared with the placebo (OR = 0·09) *
Bayer-Carter et al. (2011)(38) High fat/high GI diet v. low fat/low GI diet Brief visuospatial memory test aMCI low diet baseline mean score 7·39 (sem 0·71) – week 4 mean score 8·31 (sem 0·62); aMCI high diet baseline mean score 8·27 (sem 0·66) – week 4 mean score 8·40 (sem 0·58); healthy controls high diet baseline mean score 9·89 (sem 0·85) – week 4 mean score 9·56 (sem 0·74); healthy controls low diet baseline mean score of 8·27
(sem 0·77) – week 4 mean score 9·82 (sem 0·67)
Story recall aMCI low diet baseline mean score 18·48 (sem 1·43) – week 4 mean score 21·46 (sem 1·70); aMCI high diet baseline mean score 20·37 (sem 1·31) – week 4 mean score 22·30 (sem 1·59); healthy controls high diet baseline mean score 22·69 (sem 1·7 4) – week 4 mean score 23 19 (sem 2·04); healthy controls low diet baseline mean score 21·09 (sem 1·55) – week 4 mean score 19·90 (sem 1·95)
Word list aMCI low diet baseline mean score 11·62 (sem 0·76) – week 4 mean score 11·77 (sem 0·80), aMCI high diet baseline mean score 11·33 (sem 0·71); healthy controls low diet baseline mean score 13·27 (sem 0·93) – week 4 mean score 13·27 (sem 0·96), healthy controls high diet baseline mean score 12·79 (sem 0·92) – week 4 mean score 13·67 (sem 0·95)
Krikorian et al. (2012)(12) High carbohydrate v. a very low carbohydrate Trail making test, part B Intervention (pre-intervention mean score 79·2s v. post intervention mean score 82·9s, F1,20= 0·46, P= 0·50); control (no detail)
V-PAL Intervention (pre-intervention mean score 11·8s v. post intervention mean score 14·6 s, F1,20= 6·45, P= 0·01); control (no detail)
Krikorian et al. (2010)(35) Concord grape juice supplementation v. placebo CVLT learning Intervention mean change 3·4; control mean change 0·0; ANCOVA analysis intervention v. control F1,8= 5·55, P= 0·04, Cohen’s f= 0·28 *
CVLT recall Intervention mean change 1·2; control mean change −0·4; ANCOVA analysis intervention v. control P= 0·10; Cohen’s f= 0·35
Spatial paired associate learning task Intervention mean change 1·7; control mean change −0·4; ANCOVA analysis intervention v. control P= 0·12; Cohen’s f= 0·67
Krikorian et al. (2010)(36) Wild blueberry juice supplementation v. placebo V-PAL Intervention (baseline mean score 9·3 v. week 12 mean score 13·2); control (no detail); ANCOVA analysis intervention v. control F1,13 = 5·58 *
CVLT Intervention (baseline mean score 7·2 v. week 12 mean score 9·6); control (no detail); ANCOVA analysis intervention v. control F1,13 = 2·27
Krikorian et al. (2010)(32) Chromium picolinate supplementation v. placebo CVLT learning Intervention v. control mean score at 12 weeks (46·8 v. 45·8)
Intrusion errors intervention v. control at 12 weeks (0·20 v. 1·27); F1,23 = 6·48; Cohen’s f= 0·51

CVLT delay recall Intervention v. control mean score at 12 weeks (9·4 v. 8·4)
Intrusion errors intervention v. control at 12 weeks (0·98 v. 2·3), F1,23 = 3·35, Cohen’s f= 0·35

CVLT long delay recall Intervention v. Control mean score at 12 weeks (9·3 v. 9·5)
Intrusion errors intervention v. control at 12 weeks (0·98 v. 2·3), F1,23 = 3·35, Cohen’s f= 0·35

CVLT recognition memory Intervention v. control mean score at 12 weeks (14·4 v. 14·2)
Intrusion errors intervention v. control at 12 weeks (0·88 v. 2·2), F1,23 = 2·94, Cohen’s f= 0·34

Desideri et al. (2012)(34) 990mg HF v. IF v. LF cocoa flavanols per day Verbal fluency HF (mean change 8·0 (sd 5·3) words per 60 s***); IF (mean change 5·1 (sd 3·1) words per 60 s***), LF (mean change 1·2 (sd 2·7) words per 60 s) *
Bo et al. (2017)(28) 480mg of DHA + 720mg of EPA daily v. placebo Working memory Intervention mean difference 3·32 (sd 3·45); control mean difference 1·38 (sd 2·66) *
Recognition memory Intervention: mean change 1·55 (sd 3·96); control mean change 1·98 (sd 3·13)
Soininen et al. (2017)(33) Souvenaid, a 125 ml once–a–day drink v. control NTB memory Z score Intervention mean change at 24 months, 0·003 (sd 0·569); control mean change at 24 months –0·130 (sd 0·619)
Zhang et al. (2017)(30) 2g/d DHA v. placebo Information test Intervention mean score 12·28 (sd 3·56); control mean score 10·82 (sd 2·62) *
Digit span Intervention mean score 13·44 (sd 3·66); control mean score 10·25 (sd 3·42) *
Phillips et al. (2015)(29) 625mg EPA + 600mg DHA v. placebo Immediate verbal memory Intervention mean score (month 1, 19·42 (sd 3·49) – month 4, 17·46 (sd 4·52)); control mean score (month 1, 20·50 (sd 4·31) – month 4, 19·38 (sd4·65))
Delayed verbal memory Intervention mean score (month 1, 4·85 (sd 2·91) – month 4, 4·34 (sd 2·74)); control mean score (month 1, 5·23 (sd 2·63) – month 4, 4·65 (sd 2·79))
Recognition verbal memory Intervention mean score (month 1, 8·92 (sd 2·06) – month 4, 8·38 (sd 2·30)); control mean score (month 1, 9·00 (sd 2·80) – month 4, 8·00 (sd 2·55))
Visual memory Intervention mean score (month 1, 11·58 (sd 2·19) – month 4, 12·77 (sd 2·67); control mean score (month 1, 11·50 (sd 2·60) – month 4, 11·85 (sd 1·95))
Executive function Lee et al. (2013)(27) Fish oil supplementation with concentrated DHA + EPA v. placebo Digit symbol substitution Intervention (baseline mean score 5·5, 95% CI 3·723, 7·218 – 12 months mean score 5·5,95% CI 3·723, 7·218); control (baseline mean score 4·9, 95% CI 3·254, 6·634 – 12 months mean score 4·9, 95% CI 3·254, 6·634)
CDT Intervention (baseline mean score 7·3, 95% CI 6·810, 7·880 – 12 months mean score 7·8, 95% CI 7·142, 8·477); control (baseline mean score 7·5, 95% CI 6·935, 7·969 – 12 months mean score 7·8, 95% CI 7·145, 8·436)
Executive function Z score (cumulative score of all tests used) Intervention (mean change 0·52 (sd 0·869)†); control (mean change –0·238 (0·683))
Petersen et al. (2005)(31) 2000 IU vitamin E, 10mg donepezil or placebo Executive function Z score (digits backwards test, symbol digit modalities test and number – cancellation test) Intervention (6 months Z score 0·11, sd 0·41§ – 36 months Z score – 0·19, sd 0·48); control (6 months Z score 0·04, sd 0·42 –36 months Z score –0·19, sd 0·53)
Horie et al.(2016)(37) Nutrition counselling and energy restriction v. standard care Trail making test, part B Intervention (mean change –8·6, 95% CI –71·6, 54·5); control (mean change 5·1, 95% CI –58·3, 68·6)
Phonemic fluency Intervention (mean change 0·1, 95% CI –0·5, 5·1); control (mean change 2·0, 95% CI –3·1, 7·1)
Semantic fluency Intervention (mean change 1·1, 95% CI –1·4, 3·6); control (mean change 1·9, 95% CI –0·6, 4·4)
Modified Wisconsin Card SortingTest Intervention (mean change 0·4, 95% CI –0·3, 1·0); control (mean change 0·7, 95% CI –0·1, 1·4)
Krikorian et al. (2012)(12) High carbohydrate diet v. very low carbohydrate Trail making test, part B Intervention (pre-intervention mean score 79·2s v. post intervention mean score 82·9 s, F1,20 = 0·46); control (no detail)
Bayer-Carter et al. (2011)(38) High fat/high GI diet v. low fat/low GI diet Trail making test, part B Stroop colour word test
Verbal fluency
The authors did not include these data in their published paper, merely stating no diet related changes in the text
De Jager et al. (2012)(25) 0·8mg folic acid, 0·5mg vitamin B12 and 20mg vitamin B6 v. placebo CLOX (subgroup analyses, with baseline tHcy levels) The odds of a correctly drawn item from CLOX1, after controlling for confounders (CLOX2 at follow-up, CLOX1 at baseline, age,education, ApoE ε4 status and sex), was 30 % greater in those receiving B-vitamins in comparison to placebo (OR = 0·26) *
Desideri et al. (2012)(34) 990mg HF v. IF v. LF cocoa flavanols per day Trail making test, part B HF (mean change –29·2 (sd 8·0) s***), IF (mean change –22·8 (sd 5·1) s***) LF (mean change 3·8 (sd 16·3) s) *
Soininen et al. (2017)(33) Souvenaid, a 125 ml once-a-day drink v. control NTB executive function Z score Intervention mean change at 24 months –0·145 (sd 0·445); control mean change at 24 months –0·039 (sd 0·506)
Phillips et al.(2015)(29) 625mg EPA + 600mg DHA v. placebo CLOX2 Intervention mean score (month 1, 14·08 (sd 0·89) – month 4, 14·08 (sd 14·08)); control mean score (month 1, 14·38 (sd 0·75) – month 4, 14·27 (sd 0·67))
Attention Horie et al. (2016)(37) Nutrition counselling and energy restriction v. standard care Digit span forward Intervention (mean change –0·4, 95% CI –1·1, 0·3); control (mean change 0·1, 95% CI –0·6, 0·9)
Digit span backward Intervention (mean change 0·2, 95% CI –0·8, 1·2); control (mean change 0·1, 95% CI –0·9, 1·1)
Trail making test, part A Intervention (mean change –6·1 95% CI –22·6, 10·4); control (mean change –0·7, 95% CI –17·3, 15·9)
Lee et al. (2013)(27) Fish oil supplementation with concentrated DHA + EPA v. placebo CDT Intervention (baseline mean score 7·3, 95% CI 6·810, 7·880 – 12 months mean score 7·8, 95% CI 7·142, 8·477); control (baseline mean score 7·5, 95% CI 6·935, 7·969 – 12 months mean score 7·8, 95% CI 7·145, 8·436)
Digit span forward test Intervention (baseline mean score 8·0, 95% CI 6·99, 9·04 – 12 months mean score 9·6, 95% CI 8·437, 10·749); control (baseline mean score 8·5, 95% CI 7·554, 9·529 – 12 months mean score 8·0, 95% CI 6·877, 9·113) *
Attention Z score Intervention (mean change 0·52 (sd 0·869)); control (mean change –0·238 (0·683))
Desideri et al. (2012)(34) 990mg HF v. IF v. LF cocoa flavanols per day Trail making test, part A HF (mean change –14·3 (sd 4·2) s***), IF (mean change –8·8 (sd 3·4) s***), LF (mean change 1·1 (sd 13·0) s) *
Zhang et al. (2017)(30) 2 g/d DHA v. placebo Digit span Intervention mean score 13·44 (sd 3·66); control mean score 10·25 (sd 3·42) *
Philips et al. (2015)(29) 625mg EPA + 600mg DHA v. placebo Basic attention Intervention mean score (month 1, 6·38 (sd 1·47) – month 4, 6·54 (sd 1·33); control mean score (month 1, 6·65 (1·36) – month 4, 6·77 (sd 1·31))
Language Horie et al. (2016)(37) Nutrition counselling and energy restriction v. standard care Semantic fluency Intervention (mean change 1·1, 95% CI –1·4, 3·6); control (mean change 1·9, 95% CI –0·6, 4·4)
Phonemic fluency Intervention (mean change 0·1, 95% CI –0·5, 5·1); control (mean change 2·0, 95% CI –3·1, 7·1)
Petersen et al. (2005)(31) 2000 IU vitamin E, 10mg donepezil or placebo Language Z score (Boston naming test and category fluency test) Intervention (6 months Z score 0·07, sd 0·23§ – 36 months Z score – 0·10, sd 0·35); control (6 months Z score 0·03, sd 0·23 – 36 months –0·08, sd 0·33)
VS Lee et al. (2013)(27) Fish oil supplementation with concentrated DHA + EPA v. placebo Matrix reasoning block design test Intervention (baseline mean score 7·6, 95% CI 6·37, 8·75 – 12 months mean score 7·1, 95% CI 6·27, 7·96); control (baseline mean score 7·3, 95% CI 6·16, 8·45 – 12 months mean score 7·9, 95% CI 7·07, 8·71)
VS Z score Intervention (mean change 0·17 (sd 0·84)); control (mean change 0·04 (sd 0·60))
Petersen et al. (2005)(31) 2000 IU vitamin E, 10mg donepezil or placebo VS Z score (CDT) Intervention (6 month Z score 0·03, sd 0·34 – 36 months Z score – 0·12, sd 0·37); control (6 month Z score –0·01, sd 0·34 – 36 months Z score –0·11, sd 0·39)
Ma et al. (2016)(24) Folic acid (400 μg/d) v. control Block design test Intervention (baseline mean score 9·77 (sd 5·41) – 6 months mean score 13·28 (sd 4·21)); control (baseline mean score 9·93 (sd 2·273) – 6 months mean score 11·33 (sd 3·11)) *
Zhang et al. (2017)(30) 2mg DHA v. placebo Block design test Intervention (baseline mean score 10·25 (sd 5·30 – 12 months mean score 11·19 (sd 4·07); control (baseline mean score 9·63 (sd 2·46) – 12 months mean score 10·43 (sd 3·51))

RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; HVLT-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test – Revised; tHcy, total homocysteine; GI, glycaemic index; aMCI, amnesic mild cognitive impairment; V-PAL, Verbal Paired Associates Learning; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; CDT, clock drawing test; NTB, neuropsychological test battery; CLOX, executive clock drawing task.


Statistically significant difference (P≤ 0·05) between intervention and control groups at study completion.

Statistically significant difference P≤ 0·05 within group.

No statistically significant difference between intervention and control at study completion.


Statistically significant difference between intervention and control at stated time-point.


Statistically significant difference P≤ 0·001 within group.

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