Figure 1. SPCA2 is an epithelial marker co-expressed with E-cadherin.
(A) Hierarchical clustering and heat map of the correlation coefficient matrix of SPCA isoforms with ESG and MSG in breast cancer samples from TCGA (low correlation, blue; high correlation, red; n=526) (49). SPCA1 and SPCA2 cluster with MSG and ESG, respectively. Note the strong correlation of SPCA2 with CDH1 (red asterisk). (B-C) Breast cancer cell lines from CCLE grouped as mesenchymal or epithelial to show Z-scores for SPCA2 (B) and SPCA1 (C) mRNA (24, 50). Note, significant up-regulation of SPCA2 and conversely, significant down-regulation of SPCA1 in epithelial-like breast cancer cell lines. ***p<0.001, Student’s t-test. (D) MCF10A cells were cultured in both sparse and confluent conditions and DIC images were taken with 10X and 20X objectives on a Zeiss Axio Observer A.1 microscope. (E) qPCR analysis of SPCA2, SPCA1, E-cadherin and N-cadherin expression in cDNA extracted from sparse cells or after 5 or 7 days post-confluence. ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, two-tailed Welch’s t-test, n=3. (F-H) Box and whisker with scatter plots of the EMT score across 633 breast cancer samples from the TCGA dataset grouped into low, intermediate and high expression categories for SPCA2 (F), E-cadherin (G) and SPCA1 (H) (***p<0.001) (30). Notably, tumors with low SPCA2 or E-cadherin expression had significantly higher EMT score than those with high SPCA2 expression. See Fig. S1.