Figure 1.
Gpr17−/− Mice Are Resistant to HFD-Induced Obesity (A–H) Gpr17−/− and their wild-type (WT) littermates were subjected to 28-week HFD feeding initiating at 4 weeks of age. After feeding, the mice were sacrificed, and tissue samples were collected.
(A) Body weight recorded weekly.
(B) Weight of eWAT.
(C) Levels of serum insulin.
(D) Levels of serum leptin.
(E) Representative images of H&E stained eWAT, BAT, and liver. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(F) The volume of the adipocytes in eWAT.
(G) Lipid droplet-positive area in the BAT.
(H) Triglyceride content in the liver.
(I) Glucose tolerance test (GTT) at 24 weeks of HFD.
(J) Insulin tolerance test (ITT) at 25 weeks of HFD.
(K) The food intake of WT and Gpr17−/− mice.
(L–O) Metabolic parameters of Gpr17−/− and WT mice after 26 weeks of HFD feeding, normalized by lean body mass. Shown are (L) O2 consumption, (M) CO2 production, (N) heat production, and (O) ambulatory activity recorded during 48 h of dark and light cycles.
Open and filled bars represent light and dark phases, respectively. Each value represents mean ± SEM of 7 mice from each genotype. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Student’s t test.