Table 2.
Computer Vision Technologies for Depth Sensing and Capsule Endoscope Localization
Study | suggested algorithm | Purpose | outcome |
Karargyris et al. [14] | Shape-from-shading | Depth sensing | Create three dimensional-surfaced CE videos |
Fan et al. [15] | SIFT, epipolar geometry | Depth sensing | Three-dimensional reconstruction of the GI tract’s inner surfaces from CE images |
Park et al. [16] | Stereo-type capsule endoscope, direct attenuation model | Depth sensing | Create three-dimensional depth map, size estimation for lesions observed in stereo-type CE images |
Turan et al. [24] | Vision-based SLAM, Shape-from-shading | Capsule localization | Improved RMSE for the three-dimensional reconstruction of stomach model and capsule trajectory length |
CE, capsule endoscopy; GI, gastrointestinal; RMSE, root mean square error; SIFT, scale invariant feature transform; SLAM, simultaneous localization and mapping.