(a) Ultrasound (left column), photoacoustic (middle column), and merged (right column) images of inclusions containing MDA-MB-231 cells incubated in cell culture media containing AuNPs for 1, 2, 3, and 4 h, respectively. GC-AuNPs were taken up by cells (right-hand side inclusion in each image); PEG-AuNPs were used in the (left) phantom as a control. Each cell phantom contained . In photoacoustic images, the laser wavelength was 680 nm. Scale bar is 4 mm. (b) Significant increase in photoacoustic signal from cells incubated with GC-AuNPs appears after 3 h of cellular uptake, compared with PEG-AuNPs [-test, for each group, (3 h), and (4 h)].