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. 2019 Jul 9;9(7):433. doi: 10.3390/ani9070433

Table 1.

Pony health examination parameters, assessment methods, and measurements.

Parameter Assessment Method Measurement
Breed Visual assessment
Height Visual assessment of wither height Centimetres
Weight Visual estimation based on pony build, height, and body condition score Kilograms
Age Visual assessment of incisor morphology (the Brooke [32]) Years
Sex Visual assessment of genitalia Mare, stallion, or gelding
Behaviour Pony response to approach by researcher Friendly: ears forward or turned out, turned head towards researcher, did not step away
Anxious: stepped away from researcher, turned head away, swished tail, ears slightly back
Aggressive: pinned ears, attempted to bite or kick researcher
Body condition score Visual assessment (Carroll and Huntington body condition scoring [33]) 0 (very poor)-5 (very fat)
Heart rate/rhythm Thoracic auscultation over 15 s (3MTM Littman® Cardiology IIITM stethoscope) Beats per minute
Respiratory rate Visual assessment of flank movement over 15 s Breaths per minute
Hydration Skin tent test using left-side neck, 10 cm cranial-to-cranial border of scapula, over the musculus serratus ventralis cervicis (Pritchard, Barr and Wray 2007 [34]) Time taken (s) for pinched skin to return to normal position
Capillary refill time Maxillary gingival mucous membrane assessment (Popescu et al., 2014 [16]) Time taken (s) for gum colour to return after blanching maxillary buccal gingiva with a finger
Mucous membranes Visual assessment of colour and moisture of maxillary gingival surface Pink/pale pink
Wounds Visual assessment 1: Superficial (hair rubbed off and skin broken)
1–3 scoring system for wound severity modified from Sells et al. 2010 [15]. Wounds were also categorised by anatomical location: head (including lips and oral cavity), body, limbs; and size (wounds >1 cm2)
2: Medium (subcutaneous tissues visible and damaged)
3: Deep (muscle or bone visible)
Hoof pathology Visual assessment and scoring of each hoof 0: No pathology
1: Mild deformities, cracks, or overgrown hooves
These were summed to give cumulative score 2: Severe disease, major cracks, or excessive overgrowth
Ocular health Visual assessment of eyes in direct sunlight without use of eye drops or ophthalmoscope Blindness was assessed using visualisation of external eye disease or injury, and the menace response 0: No abnormalities
1: Mild abnormalities (discharge or mild inflammation)
2: Severe abnormalities, inflammation, discharge, or blindness
Ocular pain Visual assessment of presence or absence blepharospasm without assessment of severity Present or absent
Respiratory health Visual scoring of each nostril for discharge, and observation for coughing 0: No discharge or small amount of serous discharge
1: Moderate amount of serous discharge
2: Large amounts of serous discharge or any mucopurulent discharge, and/or dried material around nostrils
Gastrointestinal health Visual assessment of defaecation if this occurred or evidence of diarrhoea on pony 0: No diarrhoea
1: Moderate diarrhoea (evidence of diarrhoea around anus)
2: Severe diarrhoea (loose faecal material visible around anus, tail, hindlimbs; observation of defaecation)
Locomotor Assessed at walk as ponies entered or exited examination site 0: No lameness
1: Mild lameness in one limb (lameness evident at walk, animal walking at normal pace and weight bearing)
2: Mild lameness in two or more limbs, or severe lameness (still weight bearing) in one limb
3: Severe lameness or non-weightbearing lameness in one or more limbs
Rectal temperature Digital thermometer (Vega Technologies Inc SurgiPack Flexitip digital thermometer) Degrees Celsius