Figure 6.
Composite gene-gene functional interaction network for differential splicing in the ventral midbrain (VMB), associated with relative genetic risk for methamphetamine (MA) intake. This network was derived from the 27 hub nodes (inner circle; symbol size has no meaning) in the MA low drinking (MALDR) line that had an increase of ≥ 0.5 in intramodular connectivity. No such genes were found in the MA high drinking (MAHDR) line. The genes in the outer circle were identified by GeneMANIA [34] as functional associates (symbol size determined by GeneMANIA, based on number of network connections). The pink lines indicate known coexpression (81%), the blue indicate known colocalization (18.5%), and the tan are predicted interactions (0.5%); these can be more clearly seen in Supplementary Figures S1–S3.