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. 2015 Mar 30;35(11):1292–1308. doi: 10.1002/jat.3132

Table 1.

Exposure parameters

Parameter Central Tendency Reference Upper‐Bound Reference Regulatory Default Reference
Averaging Time
Averaging time, adult, non‐carcinogenic 5,110 d USEPA 2013 5,110 d USEPA 2013 5,110 d USEPA 2013
Averaging time, older child non‐carcinogenic 3,650 d USEPA 2013 3,650 d USEPA 2013 3,650 d USEPA 2013
Averaging time, young child, non‐carcinogenic 1,825 d USEPA 2013 1,825 d USEPA 2013 1,825 d USEPA 2013
Averaging time, carcinogenic 28,470 d USEPA 2011 (assumes 78 yr lifetime) 28,470 d USEPA 2011 (assumes 78 yr lifetime) 25,550 d USEPA 1991
Averaging time, infant (0–3 months) 91 d USEPA 2013 91 d USEPA 2013 91 d USEPA 2013
Averaging time, infant (4–12 months) 274 d USEPA 2013 274 d USEPA 2013 274 d USEPA 2013
Body Weight
Body weight, adult 70 kg USEPA 2013 70 kg USEPA 2013 70 kg USEPA 1991
Body weight, older child (6 to <16 years) 44 kg USEPA 2011 44 kg USEPA 2011 45 kg USEPA 2000
Body weight, young child (1 to <6 years) 17 kg USEPA 2011 17 kg USEPA 2011 15 kg USEPA 1991
Body weight, infant (0–3 months) 6 kg USEPA 2011 6 kg USEPA 2011 6 kg USEPA 2011
Body weight, infant (4–12 months) 9 kg USEPA 2011 9 kg USEPA 2011 9 kg USEPA 2011
Breast Milk Consumption Rate
Consumption rate of breast milk (0–3 months) 0.68 kg/d USEPA 2011 1.01 kg/d USEPA 2011 1.01 kg/d USEPA 2011
Consumption rate of breast milk (4–12 months) 0.68 kg/d USEPA 2011 1.03 kg/d USEPA 2011 1.03 kg/d USEPA 2011
Consumption rate of breast milk, age‐adjusted 0.01 kg‐yr/kg‐d Based on infant 0–3 mos and infant 4–12 mos 0.01 kg‐yr/kg‐d Based on infant 0–3 mos and infant 4–12 mos 0.01 kg‐yr/kg‐d Based on infant 0–3 mos and infant 4–12 mos
Drinking Water Consumption Rate
Consumption rate of drinking water, adult 1.04 L/d USEPA 2011 2.96 L/d USEPA 2011 2 L/d USEPA 1989
Consumption rate of drinking water, older child 0.47 L/d USEPA 2011 1.57 L/d USEPA 2011 2 L/d USEPA 1997
Consumption rate of drinking water, young child 0.31 L/d USEPA 2011 0.92 L/d USEPA 2011 1 L/d USEPA 2000
Consumption rate of drinking water, age‐adjusted 0.41 L‐yr/kg‐d Based on adult, adolescent, and child 1.22 L‐yr/kg‐d Based on adult, adolescent, and child 1.18 L‐yr/kg‐d Based on adult, adolescent, and child
Soil and Dust Consumption Rate
Consumption rate of soil and dust, adult 50 mg/d USEPA 2011 50 mg/d USEPA 2011 100 mg/d USEPA 1991
Consumption rate of soil and dust, older child 32.8 mg/d Kirman et al., 2011 92.2 mg/d Kirman et al., 2011 200 mg/d USEPA 1991
Consumption rate of soil and dust, young child 32.8 mg/d Kirman et al., 2011 92.2 mg/d Kirman et al., 2011 200 mg/d USEPA 1991
Consumption rate of soil and dust, age‐adjusted 38.2 mg/yr‐kg‐d Based on adult, adolescent, child, and infant 4–12 mos 63.6 mg/yr‐kg‐d Based on adult, adolescent, child, and infant 4–12 mos 136 mg/yr‐kg‐d Based on adult, adolescent, child, and infant 4–12 mos
Exposure Duration
Exposure duration, adult, non‐ carcinogenic 14 yr USEPA 2013 14 yr USEPA 2013 14 yr USEPA 2013
Exposure duration, older child, non‐carcinogenic 10 yr USEPA 2013 10 yr USEPA 2013 10 yr USEPA 2013
Exposure duration, young child, non‐carcinogenic 5 yr USEPA 2013, a 5 yr USEPA 2013, a 5 yr USEPA 2013, a
Exposure duration, infant (0–3 months) 0.25 yr USEPA 2013 0.25 yr USEPA 2013 0.25 yr USEPA 2013
Exposure duration, infant (4–12 months) 0.75 yr USEPA 2013 0.75 yr USEPA 2013 0.75 yr USEPA 2013
Exposure Frequency
Exposure frequency 365 d/yr USEPA 2003 365 d/yr USEPA 2003 365 d/yr USEPA 2003
Absorbed fraction of ingested TBBPA 1 Default 1 Default 1 EU 2006
Fraction of fat in breast milk 0.04 kg fat/kg milk USEPA 2011 Table 15‐1 0.04 kg fat/kg milk USEPA 2011 Table 15‐1 0.04 kg fat/kg milk USEPA 2011 Table 15‐1
Total dietary intake, age‐adjusted 46 yr Based on adult, adolescent, and child 46 yr Based on adult, adolescent, and child 48 yr Based on adult, adolescent, and child

Young child exposure duration changed from 6 years (USEPA 2013) to 5 years herein since infant is evaluated separately.

CTE, central tendency exposure; d, day; kg, kilogram; kg/d, kilogram per day; kg‐yr/kg‐d, kilogram‐year per kilogram‐day, l, liter, :l/d, liter per day; l‐yr/kg‐d, liter‐year per kilogram‐day; mg, milligram; mg/d, milligram per day; mg‐yr/kg‐d, milligram‐year per kilogram‐day; mos, months; RME, reasonable maximum exposure; yr, year.