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. 2019 Jun 28;10(7):190. doi: 10.3390/insects10070190

Table 3.

Variables included in final models for each species. The machine learning algorithms consider all variables initially, and unimportant variables are pruned back. As a result, all considered variables are listed for these models, though the contribution of some variables is quite small.

Species Final Model Variables
Amblyomma americanum
LR Bio13 + Bio12 + Bio9 + NDVImean + Bio3 + curv + distwater + dem + shrub
BRT Bio12 + NDVImean + Bio13 + Bio9 + Bio14 + Bio15 + distwater + Bio3 + curv + dem + NDVImin + Bio11 + detwt + forest + wetlands + shrub + grass
RF Bio11 + Bio13 + Bio12 + Bio9 + NDVImean + Bio14 + Bio15 + dtwt + Bio3 + curv + distwater + NDVImin + DEM + forest + grass + shrub + wetlands
MARS Bio12 + NDVImean + Bio14 + Bio13 + distwater + DEM + Bio3 + NDVImin
MaxEnt Bio12 + Bio9 + NDVImean + distwater
Ixodes scapularis
LR Bio12 + Bio6 + distwater + curv + shrub + wetlands
BRT Bio12 + Bio13 + Bio17 + Bio8 + NDVImean + Bio9 + NDVImin + distwater + Curv + Bio14 + DEM + Bio6 + detwt + wetlands + shrub + forest + grass
RF Bio8 + Bio12 + Bio6 + Bio13 + Bio17 + Bio9 + NDVImean + NDVImin + Bio14 + detwt + distwater + curv + DEM + forest + grass + shrub + wetlands
MARS Bio12 + Bio6 + Bio8 + Bio13 + curv
MaxEnt Bio12 + Shrub + Bio6 + distwater + Bio13
Dermacentor variabilis
LR Bio2 + Bio9 + Bio15 + Bio13 + NDVImax + DEM + Bio14 + curv
BRT Bio12 + Bio15 + Bio9 + NDVImax + Bio3 + Bio13 + Bio2 + distwater + NDVImin + Bio14 + DEM + curv + Bio8 + forest + detwt + shrub + grass + wetlands
RF Bio2 + Bio9 + Bio12 + Bio15 + Bio13 + distwater + Bio8 + NDVImax + detwt + DEM + Bio14 + Bio3 + NDVImin + curv + forest + grass + shrub + wetlands
MARS Bio2 + Bio13 + Bio15 + Bio3 + Bio15 + Bio3 + detwt + NDVImax + curv + NDVImin
MaxEnt Bio12 + NDVImax + forest + grass

LR = Logistic Regression; BRT = Boosted Regression Trees; RF = Random Forests; MARS = Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines; MaxEnt = Maximum Entropy.