Figure 1: Construction of a high-throughput optical coherence tomography (HT-OCT) system for tumor spheroid imaging.
(A) Schematics of the HT-OCT system. A diagram of the 96-well plate is plotted next to the OCT system. Five wells (D2, D11, B6, D6, G6) labeled in yellow are used for the fine adjustment of the stages in (D). (B) The actual configuration of HT-OCT system. See Table of Materials for optical components used for each part of the system. (C) Spectrometer design for the HT-OCT system. (D) Stage setup for the HT-OCT system. Proper alignment of the 6-axis stage and synchronization between the OCT acquisition and the stage movement are required for high-throughput imaging. (E) and (F) show the effects of rotation and tilting on final image of different wells. Rotation causes the OCT images of different wells to shift horizontally while tilting will lead to vertical shifting of different wells. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.