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. 2019 Jan 11;3(1):e12227. doi: 10.2196/12227

Table 1.

Results of the data analysis. Values on each line with an astericks (*) or dagger (†) were not significantly different from one another.

Parameter BioBase group, mean (SD) Control group, mean (SD) Rumination group, mean (SD) F value P value Effect size, partial eta squared
Heart rate, bpm 74.02 (9.25)* 78.52 (9.32)* 79.53 (10.40)* 2.58 .08 .07
RMSSDa 65.9 (20.51) 39.88 (20.73)* 43.77 (27.46)* 9.25 .001 .22
pNN50b 30.14 (10.89) 16.26 (15.34)* 18.14 (15.34)* 9.17 .001 .21
High frequencyc 2.97 (0.37)* 2.74 (0.39)*,† 2.65 (0.37)† 4.15 .02 .11

aRMSSD: root mean square successive difference.

bpNN50: percentage of successive inter-beat RR intervals that differ by >50 ms.

cLog transformed.