Figure 6. MA-induced hypothermia is impacted in BXD mice by a Taar1 x Oprm1 interaction.
Body temperatures obtained just before (T0) or 30–120 min (T30-120) after (a) saline or (b) 2 mg/kg MA treatment for BXD strain mice with different combined Taar1/Oprm1 genotypes. Presented are means ± SEM for data collapsed on sex. n = 30–47/genotype/MA dose tested in 16 cohorts of 8–36 mice. Repeated measures ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test,+p < 0.05 compared to T0 of same genotype; +++p < 0.001 compared to T0 of same genotype. Repeated measures ANOVA followed by simple main effects analysis, ***p<0.001 compared to Taar1+/+/Oprm1B6/B6. Repeated measures ANOVA collapsed on Oprm1 genotype followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test, ###p<0.001 compared to T0 of Taar1m1J/m1J mice. BXD, C57BL/6J (B6) x DBA2/J (D2); MA, methamphetamine; Oprm1, mu-opioid receptor gene; Oprm1B6/B6, homozygous for B6 Oprm1 allele; Oprm1D2/D2, homozygous for D2 Oprm1 allele; Taar1, trace amine-associated receptor 1 gene; Taar1+/+, homozygous for reference Taar1+ allele; Taar1m1J/m1J, homozygous for mutant Taar1m1J allele. The raw data represented in the graphs are available in Figure 6—source data 1.